Between the 7th and the 15th of August 2021, the Hungarian Province of the Society of Jesus, in collaboration with other Jesuit Provinces and female Ignatian congregations, will organize a summer Magis Europe 2021 event for young adults. It’s a program for 18-35 year old youth, who are interested in Ignatian spirituality, for participants from Europe.
The meeting is divided in two parts: Ignatian experiments and the Closing event. The activities are designed to show young people the meaning of teamwork, to give them a sense of international community and to expose them to unusual situations which contribute to their human and spiritual growth. Magis event offers a number of various experiments to choose from, grouped in several categories: Pilgrimage, Spirituality, Service, Arts, Ecology and Culture. The venue of the experiments will be in Hungary and in neighboring Slovakia. The Closing event (13th – 15th of August) will take place in Miskolc, Hungary, where all the participants of Magis Europe 2021 will gather.
The central theme of MAGIS 2021 will be the conversion of Saint Ignatius: “To see all things new in Christ”. The year 2021 is the 500th anniversary of his conversion: his transformation from a noble knight at the siege of Pamplona to a humble pilgrim, the companion of Jesus.
The MAGIS event is also inspired by the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, Hungary, and also from the first of the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus: „To show the way to God”. Throughout the meeting we would like to discover the Eucharistic aspect of the Ignatian spirituality in depth.
The event will be held in English, therefore a sufficient level of knowledge of the language is needed.
Dates of the event
People arrive individually to the venue of the experiment before 5 pm on the 7th of August. At the end of the experiments (13th August) Magis organizes the travel to the venue of the Magis Festival (Miskolc, Hungary). Departure after noon on the 15th August, Sunday.
Age of participants
Magis Europe 2021 aims young adults, aged from 18 to 35.
There is no exception for people under 18 years by any means. The upper age limit does not apply to consecrated persons, organizers, helpers, and there may be other exceptions agreed on with the organizing team. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Participation fee
Participation fee depending on your country varies 250-320,- EUR.
Participation fee for volunteers and consecrated persons is 100,- EUR.
The price includes the entire stay, including accommodation, food, event merchandise and transportation from the venue of the experiment to the Closing event in Miskolc. The price does not include the transportation from your country and back – it must be arranged individually. The participants may apply for reduced fee with convincing justification – read more at the Magis Europe website.
Registration: The registration on the website opens on March 1, and you can apply to the experiments after Easter, from April 5.
Website: https://magis.jesuits.eu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MAGISEU/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magiseurope/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCehKp61d3qEm4IL6Sq9e1AA
E-mail: hello@magis.jesuits.eu
Central organisation:
Inigo team: Zoltán Koronkai SJ, György Hiba SJ, Kata Heim RSCJ, Dorottya Emri and Kristóf Hódsági